OEX Scope Heavy Duty Soldering Iron 240V with 4V Power Supply, 1 Year Warranty
$549 RRP: $646 Save: $97

OEX 6-24V Circuit Tester LED with 1.5m Connecting Lead, 1 Year Warranty
$47 RRP: $76 Save: $29

OEX 200W Soldering Iron Continuous use 240V, 1 Year Warranty
$287 RRP: $482 Save: $195

High Beam Relay for new Toyota Vehicles by NAPA Auto Parts, 1 Year Warranty

OEX 12V Superscope Soldering Iron with 6m lead, 1 Year Warranty
$327 RRP: $352 Save: $25

OEX 300W Soldering Iron Continuous use 240V, 1 Year Warranty
$507 RRP: $603 Save: $96

OEX Cable Cutter; cuts up to 100mm2 Wire Size, 1 Year Warranty
$381 RRP: $409 Save: $28

OEX Cable Lug Crimper; to suit lug sizes 10 - 95mm2, 1 Year Warranty
$489 RRP: $498 Save: $9

OEX Plastic Battery Box with Power Outlets - 340 x 200 x 200 mm, 1 Year Warranty
$119 RRP: $151 Save: $32

OEX Plastic Battery Box with Power Outlets - 340 x 200 x 225 mm, 1 Year Warranty
$121 RRP: $152 Save: $31

OEX Scope Replacement Iron with Auto Switch Off; to suit ACX6110, 1 Year Warranty
$219 RRP: $276 Save: $57

OEX Wire Stripper & Cutter; to suit Cuts & Strips cable 0.5 - 6mm2 Diameter, 1 Year Warran
$129 RRP: $140 Save: $11