DC to DC Converters with Galvanic Isolation

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DC to DC Voltage Converters allow you to convert voltage from one battery system to another, isolate sensitive electrical equipment or to step up or step down DC voltage to meet a set requirement.

DC to DC Voltage Converters with Galvanic Isolation:

DC to DC Voltage Converters with Galvanic Isolation provide full dielectric isolation between input and output circuits via a transformer - this meaning there is no electric contact between the two. This is often a requirement for applications such as communications, entertainment systems, GPS systems and forklifts.

Many sensistive loads require a cleaner DC source; Isolated converters are often used in this circumstance due to their strong noise and interference blocking capabilities.

You will pay more for DC to DC Voltage Converters with Galvanic Isolation than their counterpart, however this is because they are safer in the occurrence of internal failure.